Google Drive
Applications actions
Choose next visual density |
Q then Q |
Display keyboard shortcuts list |
Find/find next |
Ctrl F |
Ctrl P |
Search your drive |
/ |
Show last message |
M |
Create new items
Document |
Shift T |
Drawing |
Shift D |
Folder |
Shift F |
Form |
Shift O |
Presentation |
Shift P |
Spreadsheet |
Shift S |
Move between items
Move down without changing selection |
Ctrl ↓ |
Move left without changing selection |
Ctrl ← |
Move right without changing selection |
Ctrl → |
Move upt without changing selection |
Ctrl ↑ |
Move focus to next slide |
Alt ↓ |
Navigation and views
Go to details pane |
G then D |
Go to downloads status |
G then A |
Go to items view |
G then I |
Go to navigation panel |
G then NOr
Go to top of application |
G then T |
Go to upload status |
G then U |
Show or hide activity pane |
I |
Show or hide details pane |
D |
Switch between grid and list in items |
V |
Open menus
Create menu |
C |
Current folder actions menu |
F |
More actions menu |
A |
Settings menu |
T |
Sort menu |
R |
Preview mode actions
Close |
Esc |
Play/pause |
Space |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
- |
Select items
Clear all selections |
Shift N |
Extend selection down |
Shift ↓ |
Extend selection left |
Shift ← |
Extend selection right |
Shift → |
Extend selection up |
Shift ↑ |
Select all visible items |
Shift A |
Select next item down |
Select next item to left |
Select next item to right |
Select next item up |
Select or deselcted item |
X |
Take actions on selected items
Create shortcuts to selected items |
Shift Z |
Move selected items to new folder |
Z |
Open selected item enter |
Enter O |
Redo last undone action |
Ctrl Shift Z |
Remove selected items |
Rename selected item |
. |
Star or unstar selected items |
S |
Undo last action |
Ctrl Z |